The Medium is the Message II – Digital Communication Network


Not going to lie, I struggled wrapping my head around this weeks topic. This is what I seemed to grasp from the lecture and some further information from outside sources about the networked economy and digital communication.

The digital communcation network has been quietly making progress across all parts of our lives. Let’s think about it, we use the internet to online shop, scroll through social media and even online bank these days. Living out our entire lives online leads to mass production but also leaves room for creativity, I believe.

The online sphere is a place of mass production. Kevin Kelly explains the internet as ‘a copy machine’. He further highlights that the digital economy is thus run on a river of copies. Unlike the mass-produced reproductions of the machine age, these copies are not just cheap, they are free.

In saying this, in this age of digitalisation in this networked economy this also leaves room for an immense amount of creativity online. Kevin Kelly highlights this by explaining the Internet as a ‘super – distribution system, where once a copy is introduced it will continue to flow through the network forever’.

Hope this made sense to you all!

Sophie xx


Kelly, K, 2008, Better than Free


One thought on “The Medium is the Message II – Digital Communication Network

  1. I also found this week’s topic quite challenging and hard to wrap my mind around. Thank you for explaining this concept in a way that draws out the most important points and successfully explains them. I enjoyed your perspective on this topic, especially your first paragraph where your example was something I could relate to as it connected this topic to the world we live in right now. Awesome job Sophie! 🙂


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